Homeowner Services of Michigan

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Unpacking the Five C's: HSM's Design-Build Process

Building a custom home is an exciting journey. 

But it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of possibilities in front of you. With over 30 years of experience, HSM has developed a proven process where transparency and collaboration take center stage. This process, known as the Five C's, guides you from the initial concept to the completion of your dream home. 

Let's explore what each of these stages entails.

Conceptual Budget:

The journey to your custom home begins with the Conceptual Budget. 

During this stage, HSM meets with you one-on-one to discuss your project in great detail. The objective is to create a cost estimate based on the initial scope of your project. This budget includes all costs associated with the entire construction process, such as:

  • Architectural drawings

  • Permits

  • Project management

  • Supervision

  • Labor, and 

  • Materials (standard fixtures, features, and finishes​​)

Construction Drawings

Once the budget is set, the focus shifts to the construction drawings. 

This phase consists of three stages: 

  • Preliminary design

  • Design drawings, and 

  • Final construction drawings. 

The preliminary design includes a land survey and a site plan showing the lot lines, building envelope, and the proposed outline of your new home. The design drawings are architectural drafts that fine-tune your custom home according to your wants, needs, taste, and lifestyle. Finally, a set of construction drawings provides all the details of your new home, including the layout, features, fixtures, and finishes you've chosen for your new home's interior and exterior​​.

It’s all coming together!

Construction Agreement

The construction agreement is an important milestone in the process. 

It includes your approved design and architectural construction drawings, the actual costs of building your new dream home, and the construction schedule. Transparency is vital, and this agreement ensures everyone is on the same page and the project can move forward as planned​​.


This stage is when your dreams start to materialize into reality. 

It's the moment when all your meticulous planning, hard work, and thoughtful preparation begin to unfold into the physical structure of your dream home. As the HSM team breaks ground, you will see the first tangible signs of your vision coming to life. Every day brings visible progress as your dream home emerges from the bare land. 

With HSM at your side, you can watch with confidence and pride as your dream home begins to take shape.


The final stage of the process is the completion of your custom home. 

At this point, you'll walk through the project with the HSM team, admiring all your great ideas and how wonderful everything looks.

It's a moment of celebration as you shake hands, part as friends, and begin enjoying your beautiful new dream home​​.

Start Your Custom Home Building Experience with HSM

Ready to embark on the journey of building your custom home with HSM?

Our team of professionals is ready to guide you through each of the Five C's of the Design-Build Process, ensuring your needs are met every step of the way. You're involved in every detail, from the budgeting phase to the moment you step into your completed home. Your dream home is within reach, and with HSM, the journey to it will be as memorable as the destination itself.

Contact us today for a FREE QUOTE and CONSULTATION, and let's make your dream home a reality.