What are the Top 4 Architectural Elements and Details to Preserve in Older Ann Arbor Homes?

So you've got yourself one of those charming, historic homes that make Ann Arbor so special.

Lucky you!

We know that maintaining these architectural gems can be a bit of a challenge.

Ann Arbor is brimming with historical homes awaiting a little extra love and care.

Don't let valuable architectural history go to waste!

Homeowner Services of Michigan is here to help you keep your home looking as timeless as the day it was built.

Let's explore the top 4 architectural elements you'll want to preserve in your older Ann Arbor home.

1. Stained Glass Windows: Colorful and Charming

First things first, let's talk stained glass windows.

In a world dominated by plate glass windows, stained glass windows are an increasingly rare gem.

These vibrant, eye-catching masterpieces can be found in many older Ann Arbor homes.

And boy, do they pack a punch of personality!

Their uniqueness becomes an attention-grabber and adds a pop of vibrancy to your space.

Don't give in to the temptation of tossing them; preserve these intricate pieces of art in your home, and throw the worries of imitation out the window!

Regular cleaning is vital to preserving your stained glass windows.

Use soft materials and avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia.

And if your window is damaged or missing a piece, consult a professional for repair.

2. Detailed Woodwork: Intricate Elegance

Don't even think about ripping out or covering up that woodwork!

Older Ann Arbor homes often feature stunning hand-crafted woodwork, like hand-carved crown mouldings, wainscoting, and built-in cabinetry.

It's what makes your house feel like a work of art.

Preserve your floors, intricate staircases, and mouldings that exude a timelessness in your home by dusting regularly and applying wood polish as needed.

Consider hiring a skilled carpenter to restore it if it's chipped or cracked.

3. Fireplaces and Millwork: Warmth and Style

Third on our list are fireplaces and millwork.

Ah! The irresistible coziness of fireplaces- there's nothing quite like it!

It's not every day that someone can boast of owning centuries-old ornate millwork, beautiful detailing, and mantels that steal the show around a romantic hearth.

Maintaining old fireplaces and millwork is a tribute to our architectural heritage and essential to sustaining our connection to the past.

These intricately crafted structures showcase exquisite craftsmanship and design sensibilities.

Embrace and preserve these beautiful masterpieces, and you’ll have no shortage of cozy family memories and precious 'gram-worthy coffee sessions.

4. Ornate Plaster Ceilings: Sky-High Style

Last but certainly not least: ornate plaster ceilings.

They're the cherry on top of your home's already-irresistible sundae.

Their intricate patterns and designs make any room feel grand.

These meticulously crafted ceilings provide a window into the past and demonstrate the remarkable skills and techniques employed by artisans in earlier times.

By conserving these unique features, we uphold a visual narrative that enriches the historical context of our built environment.

Keep your plaster ceiling tip-top by regularly checking for cracks and damage.

If you spot any, don't panic!

Minor repairs can often be made with plaster patching compound.

For more significant issues, call in the experts.

Preserving these beautiful features means preserving the character and charm of your home.

Handcrafted woodwork, vibrant stained-glass windows, fireplaces, and ornate plaster ceilings are architectural works of art. 

Where preservation meets renovation, we’re here to help.

Let's collaborate and restore your lovely Ann Arbor heritage home to its former glory. 

Our team of experts has decades of experience and will work closely with you to ensure that your renovation is seamless and exceeds your expectations.

Together, let's honor the history and character of your Ann Arbor heritage home while making it a functional and beautiful space for generations to come.

And hey, if you've got friends or neighbors with older homes, spread the word. Share this blog post with them so they can keep their homes looking fabulous too.


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